Bear In Mind
Grand Teton National Park is home to grizzly bears and black bears. It is not uncommon to see a bear in a wild place. Be sure to understand bear safety before exploring.
Bear safety is important, and vital to know before exploring the Grand Teton National Park. Bears thrive in the Grand Teton, and it is not unusual to see bears during visits. Things to remember if you encounter a bear:
Make Noise!
Don’t surprise the bears, if you are hiking or away from your vehicle, make some noise by clapping your hands or speaking very loudly so bears know your presence.
Hike in Groups!
Hike in groups of three or more people when possible. Groups typically make more noise and intimidate the bears. Avoid hiking when bears are most active; early in the morning and late in the day as dark approaches.
Bear Encounters
If you encounter a bear in a wild place, watch it quietly and give at least 100 yards between you and the bear. Make as much noise as possible by yelling or clapping. Never surround or corner a bear.
Bear Bluffs
If a bear feels uncomfortable with a person, a bear will sometimes charge and then retreat. This could be accompanied by pawing at the ground and making vocalizations. If this happens, stay where you are and make yourself as big as possible. Once the bear retreats, you should too.
Stay with Your Food!
For your safety, please do not leave backpacks, coolers, or anything containing food or odors unattended for any length of time.
Please do not allow bears to obtain food or attempt to feed the bears.
Keep Bears Away!
Bears can be anywhere in the national park. Odors or food can attract bears to areas such as campgrounds, picnic areas, or parking lots. When not in immediate use, store all items with an odor in bear resistant storage lockers or in a vehicle with doors and windows closed and locked. Do not leave coolers unattended on truck beds, or outside of the vehicle.